This can be true for huge programs that are available for a hefty price tag on the Windows store. If the issue persists, there is a minute 1% chance that some of the EXE apps are locked and do not allow for conversion through basic tools and need high end paid conversion tools. In case, you come across such a scenario, try the same steps with another conversion third-party app, if the same result occurs, try re-installing the EXE file and execute the same steps again. There can be two major reasons for the same, either the installed third-party converter application is incapable of converting that file or the EXE file is corrupted or outdated. For instance, based on the conversion software used, there can be scenarios for error messages popping up while the conversion process is going on. Sometimes, it so happens that things do not go planned as the above steps.

There is 0.01% of the app configuration faultiness due to some conversion error, so verifying the app thoroughly does no harm.