My answer to your stupid question is in accordance to his post, while yours isn't. Lastly, if you really care, the only version of the game I’ve played is the Switch version on an actual Switch.Īre you stupid or you just pretend you are? His question was about getting better performance on a Switch emulator and you're the one who suggested him to get a Wii U emulator, you moron. Changing the FPS, resolution, or adding effects are much, much easier to do for a port, and are exactly what Nintendo said they did. You also still fail to grasp that polys and textures are only part of how good a game looks, and these are time-consuming and expensive pieces of development that are almost never changed across ports. 4 months later, and you still don’t get that the initial question by OP was about achieving emulation performance, not ‘which port looks the best.’