
Bhulekh odisha ec
Bhulekh odisha ec

bhulekh odisha ec

  • To calculate the Market value of land or Benchmark of Land go through the official link and provide Landmark details.
  • How to Search the Market value Property or Benchmark Registration for Land? Government intends to increase the Administrative structure and Quality of service through electronic governance. IGR Odisha website is changed the new website is.

    bhulekh odisha ec

    Government of Odisha has introduced new online services for Document Verification and Land Records i.e Benchmark Valuation, Document status for Land Registration and Market valuation. Orissa IGR Registration Wing Revenue & Disaster Management Department, Registration of property is very easy process in Odisha state. IGR Odisha Benchmark Registration Valuation, Document Status search online at  IGR Odisha

    Bhulekh odisha ec